Firearm Restrictions

Only Permit Holders May Carry Firearms on Campus.

Open firearm carry legislation DOES NOT apply to college facilities. The only exception is that persons licensed for concealed carry of handguns may carry where not signed as prohibited. Unlicensed campus carry of firearms is a third-degree felony. Intentional inadequate concealment by a license-holder is a Class A misdemeanor.

Pursuant to state law, the Alamo Colleges have adopted reasonable rules somewhat limiting where licensed concealed campus carry is allowed, reflected in the Prohibited Areas listed below.

Intentional violation of these prohibitions, if properly signed, is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sites Where Licensed Concealed Carry Is Prohibited

  • Board meetings 
  • Polling locations 
  • Police Department Sites and First Responders Academy
  • Childcare facilities
  • Certain occasions of alcohol service 
    • (TABC-licensed caterer responsible for determination)
  • Mental health counseling facilities (including SAC Women’s Center) 
  • Health Clinics
  • Locations where employee discipline and termination meetings and student/disciplinary meetings, as well as all types of student and employee complaint hearings, are conduct
  • Certain areas where minors congregate
    • Scobee Planetarium
    • Facilities leased to other parties if minors congregate therein or facilities leased from others if lessor requires
    • Classrooms dedicated to minors-only programs (such as ECHS, Alamo Academies & Phoenix Middle College)
    • Summer Camps (core areas) 
  • Special testing areas where belongings must be surrendered during testing
  • All athletic facilities at all times (includes spectators as well as participants)
  • Mixed Use: Prohibit whole building or whole floor only if preponderant (excessive signage issue)
  • Campus-specific: Where prohibition is authorized in principle but the specific configuration of a campus facility makes this impractical, then that campus may seek an exception
  • District vehicles, except when an employee's college duties require otherwise


Please contact:
Pat Meurin